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2019 국제배구연맹(FIVB) 발리볼네이션스리그(VNL)

by consolas 2019. 6. 22.

2019년도 국제배구연맹(Fédération Internationale de Volleyball) 발리볼네이션스리그(Volleyball Nations League)


Korea Volleyball Team


아래 링크에서 한국 여자 배구 경기 일정과 결과를 확인할 수 있다.

특히 FACTS & FIGURES 탭에서 선수들의 활약을 수치로 확인 가능하다.



Overview - Korea - FIVB Volleyball Nations League 2019

Stefano Lavarini took charge of Korea's women's National Team this year, following several years coaching clubs in Italy and most recently in Brazil, where this season he led Minas Tenis Clube of Belo Horizonte to their first Superleague title in 17 years


'스포츠' 카테고리의 다른 글

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